R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addcp()
- applyDistMat3D()
- applySpeclib()
- attributes_speclib()
- bandnames()
- bdri()
- Boruta()
- cancer_spectra()
- caret_createDataPartition-methods()
- caret_createFolds-methods()
- caret_createResample-methods()
- caret_featurePlot-methods()
- caret_gafs()
- caret_preProcess-methods()
- caret_rfe()
- caret_safs()
- caret_setPredictor()
- caret_setResponse()
- caret_sfb()
- caret_showCaretParameters()
- caret_train-methods()
- checkhull()
- Clman-class()
- Clman-methods()
- cor.test.normalized.ratio.index()
- cubePlot()
- cut.specfeat()
- deletecp()
- derivative_speclib()
- dim_speclib()
- DistMat3D-class()
- DistMat3D-methods()
- dist_speclib()
- feature_properties()
- get.gaussian.response()
- getcp()
- getNRI()
- get_reflectance()
- glm.normalized.ratio.index()
- hsdar-package()
- hsdardocs()
- hsdar_parallel()
- HyperSpecRaster-class()
- HyperSpecRaster()
- id_speclib()
- makehull()
- mask()
- meanfilter()
- merge_speclib()
- normalized.ratio.index-methods()
- normalized.ratio.index.best.perfomance()
- normalized.ratio.index()
- Nri-class()
- plot.glm.normalized.ratio.index()
- plot.specfeat()
- plot.speclib()
- postprocess_ASD()
- predictHyperspec()
- raster-methods()
- rastermeta()
- read.header()
- read_ASD()
- rededge()
- sensorCharacteristics()
- simple.ratio.index()
- smgm()
- smooth_speclib()
- soilindex()
- Specfeat-class()
- specfeat()
- Speclib-class()
- speclib()
- speclib_indexing()
- speclib_raster_methods()
- spectra()
- spectralInterpolation()
- spectralResampling()
- spectral_data()
- subset_nri()
- subset_speclib()
- t.test.nri()
- transform()
- unmix()
- updatecl()
- usagehistory()
- USGS()
- vegindex()
- wavelength()
R Codes
- AAAClasses.R
- ASD_functions.R
- blockwise_functions.R
- Boruta.R
- caret_createDataPartition.R
- caret_featurePlot.R
- caret_gafs.R
- caret_parameters.R
- caret_predict.R
- caret_preProcess.R
- caret_rfe.R
- caret_safs.R
- caret_sbf.R
- caret_train.R
- caret_utils.R
- continuum_clman.R
- continuum_features.R
- continuum_features_properties.R
- continuum_transform.R
- distance.R
- distMat3D_methods.R
- getFiniteNri.R
- hsdardocs.R
- HyperSpecRaster_methods.R
- multicore_funtions.R
- nri.R
- nri_attributes.R
- nri_cor_test.R
- nri_glm.R
- nri_index.R
- nri_lm.R
- nri_methods.R
- nri_multivariate.R
- nri_plot.R
- nri_print.R
- nri_subset.R
- nri_t_test.R
- plot_HyperSpec_cube.R
- PROSPECTinvert.R
- raster-methods.R
- rastermeta.R
- read_header.R
- rededge.R
- smgm.R
- soilindex.R
- speclib.R
- speclib_apply.R
- speclib_bandnames.R
- speclib_differenciate.R
- speclib_dim.R
- speclib_fwhm.R
- speclib_get_reflectance.R
- speclib_id.R
- speclib_index.R
- speclib_mask.R
- speclib_merge.R
- speclib_plot.R
- speclib_print.R
- speclib_raster-methods.R
- speclib_SI.R
- speclib_smooth.R
- speclib_spectra.R
- speclib_subset.R
- speclib_usagehistory.R
- speclib_wavelength.R
- Spectra-class.R
- spectralInterpolation.R
- spectral_resampling.R
- spectral_resampling_gaussian.R
- spectral_resampling_response.R
- spectral_resampling_response_functions.R
- spectral_resampling_sensorCharacteristics.R
- sr.R
- unmix.R
- USGS_speclib.R
- vegindex.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: hsdar
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