R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acceptability_curve()
- add_hazards()
- apply_af()
- apply_hr()
- apply_or()
- apply_shift()
- as_expr_list()
- calc_prob_from_surv()
- calc_surv_from_prob()
- calibrate_model()
- check_cycle_inputs()
- check_matrix()
- check_names()
- check_states()
- check_strategy_index()
- clean_factors()
- cluster()
- combine_models()
- combine_probs()
- compute_counts()
- compute_icer()
- compute_surv()
- compute_values()
- construct_part_surv_tib()
- create_demographic_table()
- create_df_from_tabular()
- create_matrix_from_tabular()
- create_model_from_tabular()
- create_model_list_from_tabular()
- create_options_from_tabular()
- create_parameters_from_tabular()
- create_states_from_tabular()
- define_calibration_fn()
- define_correlation()
- define_dsa()
- define_inflow()
- define_init()
- define_parameters()
- define_part_surv()
- define_psa()
- define_starting_values()
- define_state()
- define_state_list()
- define_strategy()
- define_surv_dist()
- define_surv_fit()
- define_surv_spline()
- define_surv_table()
- define_transition()
- discount()
- discount_hack()
- dispatch_strategy()
- dispatch_strategy_hack()
- distributions()
- eval_models_from_tabular()
- eval_parameters()
- eval_resample()
- eval_state_list()
- eval_strategy()
- eval_strategy_newdata()
- eval_surv()
- eval_transition()
- expand_if_necessary()
- expand_state()
- export_savi()
- extract_params()
- extract_strata()
- extract_stratum()
- file-checkers()
- filter_blanks()
- gather_model_info()
- get_counts()
- get_counts_diff()
- get_frontier()
- get_matrix_order()
- get_mat_total()
- get_parameter_names()
- get_state_names()
- get_state_number()
- get_state_value_names()
- get_transition()
- get_values()
- heemod-package()
- heemod_scale()
- insert()
- interpolate()
- is.wholenumber()
- join()
- list_all_same()
- load_surv_models()
- look_up()
- make_names()
- mix()
- modify()
- parse_multi_spec()
- part_survs_from_surv_inputs()
- plot.dsa()
- plot.psa()
- plot.run_model()
- plot.surv_object()
- plur()
- probability()
- project_fn()
- read_file()
- reexports()
- reindent_transition()
- resample_surv()
- rescale_discount_rate()
- run_bcea()
- run_dsa()
- run_model()
- run_model_tabular()
- run_psa()
- safe_conversion()
- save_outputs()
- set_covariates()
- summary.run_model()
- summary.surv_shift()
- update_model()
- who_mortality()
- wtd_summary()
R Codes
- acceptability_curve.R
- calibration.R
- cluster.R
- combine.R
- correct_counts.R
- covariance.R
- density.R
- dispatch_strategy.R
- efficiency_frontier.R
- evpi.R
- expand.R
- gho_mortality.R
- heemod.R
- look_up.R
- matrix_define.R
- matrix_eval.R
- matrix_plot.R
- newdata.R
- param_define.R
- param_eval.R
- param_print.R
- part_surv.R
- resamp_define.R
- resamp_eval.R
- resamp_print.R
- run_model_define.R
- run_model_summary.R
- sensitivity_define.R
- sensitivity_eval.R
- sensitivity_print.R
- states_define.R
- states_eval.R
- states_print.R
- strategy_define.R
- strategy_eval.R
- strategy_print.R
- survival_define.R
- survival_eval.R
- survival_operations.R
- tabular_input.R
- theme_ggplot.R
- transform.R
- update.R
- utils.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: heemod
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