R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- afterhours_dist()
- afterhours_fizz()
- afterhours_line()
- afterhours_rank()
- afterhours_summary()
- afterhours_trend()
- anonymise()
- any_idate()
- camel_clean()
- check_inputs()
- check_query()
- collaboration_area()
- collaboration_dist()
- collaboration_fizz()
- collaboration_line()
- collaboration_rank()
- collaboration_sum()
- collaboration_trend()
- comma()
- copy_df()
- create_bar()
- create_bar_asis()
- create_boxplot()
- create_bubble()
- create_density()
- create_dist()
- create_dt()
- create_fizz()
- create_hist()
- create_inc()
- create_IV()
- create_line()
- create_line_asis()
- create_period_scatter()
- create_rank()
- create_rank_combine()
- create_sankey()
- create_scatter()
- create_stacked()
- create_tracking()
- create_trend()
- cut_hour()
- email_dist()
- email_fizz()
- email_line()
- email_rank()
- email_summary()
- email_trend()
- export()
- external_dist()
- external_fizz()
- external_line()
- external_rank()
- external_sum()
- extract_date_range()
- extract_hr()
- flag_ch_ratio()
- flag_em_ratio()
- flag_extreme()
- flag_outlooktime()
- g2g_data()
- generate_report()
- generate_report2()
- heat_colours()
- hrvar_count()
- hrvar_count_all()
- hrvar_trend()
- hr_trend()
- identify_churn()
- identify_datefreq()
- identify_holidayweeks()
- identify_inactiveweeks()
- identify_nkw()
- identify_outlier()
- identify_privacythreshold()
- identify_shifts()
- identify_tenure()
- import_query()
- is_date_format()
- IV_report()
- jitter_metrics()
- keymetrics_scan()
- keymetrics_scan_asis()
- maxmin()
- meeting_dist()
- meeting_fizz()
- meeting_line()
- meeting_rank()
- meeting_summary()
- meeting_tm_report()
- meeting_trend()
- mt_data()
- network_g2g()
- network_p2p()
- network_summary()
- one2one_dist()
- one2one_fizz()
- one2one_freq()
- one2one_line()
- one2one_rank()
- one2one_sum()
- one2one_trend()
- p2p_data()
- p2p_data_sim()
- pad2()
- pairwise_count()
- pipe()
- pq_data()
- read_preamble()
- rgb2hex()
- theme_wpa()
- theme_wpa_basic()
- tm_clean()
- tm_cooc()
- tm_freq()
- tm_wordcloud()
- totals_bind()
- totals_col()
- track_HR_change()
- tstamp()
- us_to_space()
- validation_report()
- vivainsights-package()
- wrap()
- wrap_text()
R Codes
- afterhours_dist.R
- afterhours_fizz.R
- afterhours_line.R
- afterhours_rank.R
- afterhours_summary.R
- afterhours_trend.R
- anonymise.R
- check_query.R
- collaboration_area.R
- collaboration_dist.R
- collaboration_fizz.R
- collaboration_line.R
- collaboration_rank.R
- collaboration_sum.R
- collaboration_trend.R
- copy_df.R
- create_bar.R
- create_bar_asis.R
- create_boxplot.R
- create_bubble.R
- create_density.R
- create_dist.R
- create_dt.R
- create_fizz.R
- create_hist.R
- create_inc.R
- create_IV.R
- create_line.R
- create_line_asis.R
- create_period_scatter.R
- create_rank.R
- create_sankey.R
- create_scatter.R
- create_stacked.R
- create_tracking.R
- create_trend.R
- cut_hour.R
- email_dist.R
- email_fizz.R
- email_line.R
- email_rank.R
- email_summary.R
- email_trend.R
- export.R
- external_dist.R
- external_fizz.R
- external_line.R
- external_rank.R
- external_sum.R
- extract_hr.R
- flag_ch_ratio.R
- flag_em_ratio.R
- flag_extreme.R
- flag_outlooktime.R
- g2g_data.R
- generate_report.R
- generate_report2.R
- globals.R
- heat_colours.R
- hrvar_count.R
- hrvar_count_all.R
- hrvar_trend.R
- hr_trend.R
- identify_churn.R
- identify_datefreq.R
- identify_holidayweeks.R
- identify_inactiveweeks.R
- identify_nkw.R
- identify_outlier.R
- identify_privacythreshold.R
- identify_shifts.R
- identify_tenure.R
- import_query.R
- init.R
- is_date_format.R
- IV_report.R
- keymetrics_scan.R
- keymetrics_scan_asis.R
- maxmin.R
- meeting_dist.R
- meeting_fizz.R
- meeting_line.R
- meeting_rank.R
- meeting_summary.R
- meeting_tm_report.R
- meeting_trend.R
- mt_data.R
- network_g2g.R
- network_p2p.R
- network_summary.R
- one2one_dist.R
- one2one_fizz.R
- one2one_freq.R
- one2one_line.R
- one2one_rank.R
- one2one_sum.R
- one2one_trend.R
- p2p_data.R
- p2p_data_sim.R
- pairwise_count.R
- pq_data.R
- standardise.R
- supporting_functions.R
- themes.R
- tm_clean.R
- tm_cooc.R
- tm_freq.R
- tm_wordcloud.R
- totals_bind.R
- totals_col.R
- track_hr_change.R
- tstamp.R
- us_to_space.R
- utils-pipe.R
- validation_report.R
- vivainsights-package.R
- wrap.R
Selected R package: vivainsights
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