R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- anovaMM()
- anovaVCA()
- as.matrix.VCA()
- as.matrix.VCAinference()
- buildList()
- CA19_9()
- check4MKL()
- chol2invData()
- coef.VCA()
- dataEP05A2_1()
- dataEP05A2_2()
- dataEP05A2_3()
- dataEP05A3_MS_1()
- dataEP05A3_MS_2()
- dataEP05A3_MS_3()
- dataRS0003_1()
- dataRS0003_2()
- dataRS0003_3()
- dataRS0005_1()
- dataRS0005_2()
- dataRS0005_3()
- DfSattHelper()
- fitLMM()
- fitVCA()
- fixef()
- fixef.VCA()
- Fsweep()
- getDDFM()
- getDF()
- getGB()
- getIP.remlVCA()
- getL()
- getMat()
- getMM()
- getSSQsweep()
- getV()
- Glucose()
- HugeData()
- isBalanced()
- legend.m()
- lmerG()
- lmerMatrices()
- lmerSummary()
- load_if_installed()
- lsmeans()
- lsmMat()
- MLrepro()
- model.frame.VCA()
- model.matrix.VCA()
- MPinv()
- orderData()
- Orthodont()
- plot.VCA()
- plotRandVar()
- predict.VCA()
- print.VCA()
- print.VCAinference()
- ranef()
- ranef.VCA()
- realData()
- remlMM()
- remlVCA()
- ReproData1()
- reScale()
- residuals.VCA()
- SattDF()
- Scale()
- scaleData()
- sleepstudy()
- Solve()
- solveMME()
- stepwiseVCA()
- test.fixef()
- test.lsmeans()
- Trace()
- varPlot()
- VCA-Package()
- VCAdata1()
- VCAinference()
- vcov.VCA()
- vcovFixed()
- vcovVC()
R Codes
Selected R package: VCA
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