R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- average_vim()
- bootstrap_se()
- check_fitted_values()
- check_inputs()
- create_z()
- cv_vim()
- estimate()
- estimate.predictiveness_measure()
- estimate_eif_projection()
- estimate_nuisances()
- estimate_type_predictiveness()
- est_predictiveness()
- est_predictiveness_cv()
- extract_sampled_split_predictions()
- format.predictiveness_measure()
- format.vim()
- get_cv_sl_folds()
- get_full_type()
- get_test_set()
- make_folds()
- make_kfold()
- measure_accuracy()
- measure_anova()
- measure_auc()
- measure_average_value()
- measure_cross_entropy()
- measure_deviance()
- measure_mse()
- measure_r_squared()
- merge_vim()
- predictiveness_measure()
- print.predictiveness_measure()
- print.vim()
- process_arg_lst()
- run_sl()
- sample_subsets()
- scale_est()
- spvim_ics()
- spvim_se()
- sp_vim()
- vim()
- vimp()
- vimp_accuracy()
- vimp_anova()
- vimp_auc()
- vimp_ci()
- vimp_deviance()
- vimp_hypothesis_test()
- vimp_regression()
- vimp_rsquared()
- vimp_se()
- vrc01()
R Codes
- average_vim.R
- bootstrap_se.R
- cv_vim.R
- data.R
- estimate.predictiveness_measure.R
- estimate.R
- estimate_type_predictiveness.R
- est_predictiveness.R
- est_predictiveness_cv.R
- extract_sampled_split_predictions.R
- format.predictiveness_measure.R
- format.vim.R
- measure_accuracy.R
- measure_anova.R
- measure_auc.R
- measure_average_value.R
- measure_cross_entropy.R
- measure_deviance.R
- measure_mse.R
- measure_r_squared.R
- merge_vim.R
- predictiveness_measure.R
- print.predictiveness_measure.R
- print.vim.R
- sample_subsets.R
- spvim_ics.R
- spvim_se.R
- sp_vim.R
- utils.R
- vim.R
- vimp-package.R
- vimp_accuracy.R
- vimp_anova.R
- vimp_auc.R
- vimp_ci.R
- vimp_deviance.R
- vimp_hypothesis_test.R
- vimp_regression.R
- vimp_rsquared.R
- vimp_se.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: vimp
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