R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addID()
- AD_frequency()
- check_keys()
- chromo_plot()
- chromR-class()
- chromR-method()
- chromR_example()
- chromR_functions()
- chrom_to_vcfR()
- create_chromR()
- drplot()
- extract_gt()
- fasta_output()
- freq_peak()
- freq_peak_plot()
- genetic_diff()
- genotype_matrix()
- getFIX()
- heatmap_bp()
- INFO2df()
- io_vcfR()
- is_het()
- maf()
- masplit()
- ordisample()
- pairwise_genetic_diff()
- peak_to_ploid()
- pipe()
- pop_gen_sum()
- proc_chromR()
- queryMETA()
- query_gt()
- ranking()
- rePOS()
- summary_tables()
- vcfR-class()
- vcfR-method()
- vcfR-package()
- vcfR2DNAbin()
- vcfR2hapmap()
- vcfR2migrate()
- vcfR_conversion()
- vcfR_example()
- vcfR_test()
- vcfR_to_tidy_conversion()
- vep()
- windowing()
R Codes
- addID.R
- AllClass.R
- check_keys.R
- chromo_plot.R
- chromR-method.R
- chromR_example.R
- chromR_functions.R
- chromR_to_vcfR.R
- create_chromR.R
- drplot.R
- extract_gt.R
- fasta_output.R
- freq_peak_plot.R
- genetic_diff.R
- genotype_matrix_functions.R
- get_methods.R
- gt_to_popsum.R
- heatmap_bp.R
- INFO2df.R
- io_vcfR.R
- is_het.R
- maf.R
- onUnload.R
- ordisample.R
- pairwise_genetic_diff.R
- peak_to_ploid.R
- pipe.R
- proc_chromR.R
- queryMETA.R
- query_gt.R
- ranking.R
- RcppExports.R
- rePOS.R
- sandbox.R
- summary_tables.R
- vcfR-method.R
- vcfR-package.R
- vcfR.R
- vcfR2DNAbin.R
- vcfR2hapmap.R
- vcfR2migrate.R
- vcfR_conversion.R
- vcfR_example.R
- vcfR_test.R
- vcfR_to_tidy_functions.R
- vep.R
- windowing.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: vcfR
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