R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_name_column()
- apply_left.default()
- apply_left()
- apply_left_default()
- apply_right.default()
- apply_right()
- apply_right_S4()
- as_named_list()
- bc()
- bquote_call()
- bquote_call_args()
- bquote_function()
- buildNameCallback()
- build_frame()
- checkColsFormUniqueKeys()
- check_equiv_frames()
- clean_fit_glm()
- clean_fit_lm()
- coalesce()
- DebugFn()
- DebugFnE()
- DebugFnW()
- DebugFnWE()
- DebugPrintFn()
- DebugPrintFnE()
- defineLambda()
- dot_arrow()
- draw_frame()
- draw_framec()
- evalb()
- execute_parallel()
- f.()
- grab_assignments_from_dots()
- grapes-in_block-grapes()
- grapes-less-than-s-grapes()
- grapes-s-greater-than-grapes()
- grepdf()
- grepv()
- has_no_dup_rows()
- inline_concat()
- inline_dot()
- inline_paste0()
- inline_qc()
- invert_perm()
- lambda()
- lapplym()
- let()
- makeFunction_se()
- mapsyms()
- map_to_char()
- map_upper()
- match_order()
- mk_formula()
- mk_tmp_name_source()
- named_map_builder()
- orderv()
- pack()
- parLapplyLBm()
- partition_tables()
- pipe_impl()
- psagg()
- qae()
- qc()
- qchar_frame()
- qe()
- qs()
- reduceexpand()
- restrictToNameAssignments()
- returnCapture()
- seqi()
- si()
- sinterp()
- sortv()
- split_at_brace_pairs()
- stop_if_dot_args()
- strsplit_capture()
- sub-.Unpacker()
- subset-.Unpacker()
- sx()
- to()
- uniques()
- unpack()
- UnpackerF()
- UnpackerP()
- vapplym()
- VectorizeM()
- view()
- wrapr-package()
R Codes
- addNameCol.R
- as_named_list.R
- bc.R
- bpipe.R
- bquotefn.R
- c.R
- cf.R
- clean_fit.R
- coalese_op.R
- compare_frames.R
- DebugFn.R
- dot.R
- grepdf.R
- grepv.R
- lambda.R
- let.R
- mapvars.R
- map_to_char.R
- match_order.R
- mk_formula.R
- namedMapBuilder.R
- orderv.R
- pack.R
- package.R
- partition_tables.R
- plus.R
- psagg.R
- qae.R
- qc.R
- Reduce.R
- seqi.R
- split_at_brace_pairs.R
- stop_if_dot_args.R
- string_interpolation.R
- tempNameGenerator.R
- uniques.R
- unpack.R
- Untitled.R
- utils.R
- VectorizeM.R
- view.R
Selected R package: wrapr
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