R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- accuracyMeasures()
- addErrorBars()
- addGrid()
- addGuideLines()
- addTraitToMEs()
- adjacency()
- adjacency.polyReg()
- adjacency.splineReg()
- AFcorMI()
- alignExpr()
- allocateJobs()
- allowWGCNAThreads()
- automaticNetworkScreening()
- automaticNetworkScreeningGS()
- BD.getData()
- bicor()
- bicorAndPvalue()
- bicovWeights()
- binarizeCategoricalColumns()
- binarizeCategoricalVariable()
- blockSize()
- blockwiseConsensusModules()
- blockwiseIndividualTOMs()
- blockwiseModules()
- BloodLists()
- blueWhiteRed()
- BrainLists()
- BrainRegionMarkers()
- branchEigengeneDissim()
- branchSplit.dissim()
- branchSplit()
- branchSplitFromStabilityLabels()
- checkAdjMat()
- checkSets()
- chooseOneHubInEachModule()
- chooseTopHubInEachModule()
- clusterCoef()
- coClustering()
- coClustering.permutationTest()
- collapseRows()
- collapseRowsUsingKME()
- collectGarbage()
- colQuantileC()
- conformityBasedNetworkConcepts()
- conformityDecomposition()
- consensusCalculation()
- consensusDissTOMandTree()
- consensusKME()
- consensusMEDissimilarity()
- consensusOrderMEs()
- consensusProjectiveKMeans()
- consensusRepresentatives()
- consensusTOM()
- consensusTreeInputs()
- convertNumericColumnsToNumeric()
- cor()
- corAndPvalue()
- corPredictionSuccess()
- corPvalueFisher()
- corPvalueStudent()
- correlationPreservation()
- coxRegressionResiduals()
- cutreeStatic()
- cutreeStaticColor()
- displayColors()
- dynamicMergeCut()
- empiricalBayesLM()
- exportNetworkToCytoscape()
- exportNetworkToVisANT()
- factorizeNonNumericColumns()
- fixDataStructure()
- formatLabels()
- fundamentalNetworkConcepts()
- GOenrichmentAnalysis()
- goodGenes()
- goodGenesMS()
- goodSamples()
- goodSamplesGenes()
- goodSamplesGenesMS()
- goodSamplesMS()
- greenBlackRed()
- greenWhiteRed()
- GTOMdist()
- hierarchicalConsensusCalculation()
- hierarchicalConsensusKME()
- hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity()
- hierarchicalConsensusModules()
- hierarchicalConsensusTOM()
- hierarchicalMergeCloseModules()
- hubGeneSignificance()
- ImmunePathwayLists()
- imputeByModule()
- individualTOMs()
- initProgInd()
- intramodularConnectivity()
- isMultiData()
- keepCommonProbes()
- kMEcomparisonScatterplot()
- labeledBarplot()
- labeledHeatmap.multiPage()
- labeledHeatmap()
- labelPoints()
- labels2colors()
- list2multiData()
- lowerTri2matrix()
- matchLabels()
- matrixToNetwork()
- mergeCloseModules()
- metaAnalysis()
- metaZfunction()
- minWhichMin()
- moduleColor.getMEprefix()
- moduleEigengenes()
- moduleMergeUsingKME()
- moduleNumber()
- modulePreservation()
- mtd.apply()
- mtd.mapply()
- mtd.rbindSelf()
- mtd.setAttr()
- mtd.setColnames()
- mtd.simplify()
- mtd.subset()
- multiData.eigengeneSignificance()
- multiData()
- multiGSub()
- multiSetMEs()
- multiUnion()
- mutualInfoAdjacency()
- nearestCentroidPredictor()
- nearestNeighborConnectivity()
- nearestNeighborConnectivityMS()
- networkConcepts()
- networkScreening()
- networkScreeningGS()
- newBlockInformation()
- newBlockwiseData()
- newConsensusOptions()
- newConsensusTree()
- newCorrelationOptions()
- newNetworkOptions()
- normalizeLabels()
- nPresent()
- nSets()
- numbers2colors()
- orderBranchesUsingHubGenes()
- orderMEs()
- orderMEsByHierarchicalConsensus()
- overlapTable()
- overlapTableUsingKME()
- pickHardThreshold()
- pickSoftThreshold()
- plotClusterTreeSamples()
- plotColorUnderTree()
- plotCor()
- plotDendroAndColors()
- plotEigengeneNetworks()
- plotMat()
- plotMEpairs()
- plotModuleSignificance()
- plotMultiHist()
- plotNetworkHeatmap()
- populationMeansInAdmixture()
- pquantile()
- prepComma()
- prependZeros()
- preservationNetworkConnectivity()
- projectiveKMeans()
- proportionsInAdmixture()
- propVarExplained()
- pruneAndMergeConsensusModules()
- pruneConsensusModules()
- PWLists()
- qvalue()
- qvalue.restricted()
- randIndex()
- rankPvalue()
- recutBlockwiseTrees()
- recutConsensusTrees()
- redWhiteGreen()
- relativeCorPredictionSuccess()
- removeGreyME()
- removePrincipalComponents()
- replaceMissing()
- returnGeneSetsAsList()
- rgcolors.func()
- sampledBlockwiseModules()
- sampledHierarchicalConsensusModules()
- scaleFreeFitIndex()
- scaleFreePlot()
- SCsLists()
- selectFewestConsensusMissing()
- setCorrelationPreservation()
- shortenStrings()
- sigmoidAdjacencyFunction()
- signedKME()
- signifNumeric()
- signumAdjacencyFunction()
- simpleConsensusCalculation()
- simpleHierarchicalConsensusCalculation()
- simulateDatExpr()
- simulateDatExpr5Modules()
- simulateEigengeneNetwork()
- simulateModule()
- simulateMultiExpr()
- simulateSmallLayer()
- sizeGrWindow()
- sizeRestrictedClusterMerge()
- softConnectivity()
- spaste()
- standardColors()
- standardScreeningBinaryTrait()
- standardScreeningCensoredTime()
- standardScreeningNumericTrait()
- stdErr()
- stratifiedBarplot()
- subsetTOM()
- swapTwoBranches()
- TOMplot()
- TOMsimilarity()
- TOMsimilarityFromExpr()
- transposeBigData()
- TrueTrait()
- unsignedAdjacency()
- userListEnrichment()
- vectorizeMatrix()
- vectorTOM()
- verboseBarplot()
- verboseBoxplot()
- verboseIplot()
- verboseScatterplot()
- votingLinearPredictor()
R Codes
- accuracyMeasures.R
- adjacency.polyReg.R
- adjacency.splineReg.R
- AFcorMI.R
- blockwiseData.R
- blockwiseModulesC.R
- branchSplit.R
- coClustering.R
- collapseRows.R
- collapseRowsUsingKME.R
- conformityDecomposition.R
- consensusCalculations.R
- consensusDissTOMandTree.R
- consensusRepresentatives.R
- consensusTOM.R
- corAndPvalue.R
- corFunctions.R
- coxRegressionResiduals.R
- dendrogramAdjustmentFunctions.R
- empiricalBayesLM.R
- exportFunctions.R
- Functions-fromSimilarity.R
- Functions-multiData.R
- Functions.R
- GOenrichmentAnalysis.R
- heatmapWithLegend.R
- hierarchicalConsensusModules.R
- internalConstants.R
- kMEcomparisonScatterplot.R
- labeledHeatmap.R
- labelPoints.R
- matchLabels.R
- moduleMergeUsingKME.R
- modulePreservation.R
- multiData.R
- mutualInfoAdjacency.R
- nearestCentroidPredictor.R
- networkConcepts.R
- overlapTableUsingKME.R
- plotDendrogram.R
- populationMeansInAdmixture.R
- proportionsInAdmixture.R
- quantileC.R
- qvalue.R
- returnGeneSetsAsList.R
- sampledModules.R
- smaFunctions.R
- standardScreeningBinaryTrait.R
- stratifiedBarplot.R
- transposeBigData.R
- TrueTrait.R
- useNThreads.R
- userListEnrichment.R
- verboseIplot.R
- votingLinearPredictor.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: WGCNA
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