R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_info()
- align()
- animate()
- as_ggplot()
- as_stimlist()
- auto_delin()
- average_tem()
- avg()
- blank()
- bounds()
- c.stim()
- c.stimlist()
- centroid()
- change_lines()
- col2lab()
- color_conv()
- compare()
- continuum()
- convert_tem()
- crop()
- crop_tem()
- delin()
- demo_stim()
- draw_tem()
- features()
- format_size()
- get_imgs()
- get_info()
- get_point()
- gglabel()
- greyscale()
- height()
- horiz_eyes()
- image_func()
- image_func_types()
- lab2rgb()
- label()
- list_to_tbl()
- loop()
- mask()
- mask_oval()
- message()
- metrics()
- mirror()
- mlabel()
- new_stim()
- new_stimlist()
- OR()
- pad()
- patch()
- plot.stim()
- plot.stimlist()
- plot_rows()
- plot_stim()
- print.stim()
- print.stimlist()
- procrustes_coords()
- readline_check()
- read_img()
- read_stim()
- read_tem()
- remove_tem()
- rename_stim()
- rep.stim()
- rep.stimlist()
- require_tems()
- resize()
- rotate()
- rotated_size()
- same_tems()
- social_media_size()
- squash_tem()
- sub-.stimlist()
- sub-subset-.stimlist()
- subset.stimlist()
- subset_tem()
- svgBezier()
- svgControlPoints()
- svgCubicTo()
- svgLineTo()
- svgMoveTo()
- svgQuadraticTo()
- symmetrize()
- tems_to_array()
- tem_def()
- tem_text()
- to_size()
- trans()
- unique_names()
- viz_tem_def()
- webmorphR()
- webmorph_up()
- width()
- wm_opts()
- wm_opts_defaults()
- write_stim()
- write_tps()
R Codes
- align.R
- animate.R
- as_ggplot.R
- auto_delin.R
- average_tem.R
- avg.R
- blank.R
- col2lab.R
- color_conv.R
- compare.R
- continuum.R
- convert_tem.R
- crop.R
- delin.R
- demo_stim.R
- draw_tem.R
- horiz_eyes.R
- image_func.R
- info.R
- label.R
- list_to_tbl.R
- loop.R
- mask.R
- mask_oval.R
- metrics.R
- mirror.R
- patch.R
- plot.R
- readline_check.R
- read_stim.R
- rename_stim.R
- resize.R
- rotate.R
- social_media_size.R
- squash_tem.R
- stimlist.R
- svg.R
- symmetrise.R
- tem.R
- to_size.R
- trans.R
- unique_names.R
- utils-pipe.R
- utils.R
- webmorphR-package.R
- wm_opts.R
- write_stim.R
- write_tps.R
Selected R package: webmorphR
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