R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- autodetec()
- auto_detec()
- by_element_est()
- catalog()
- catalog2pdf()
- checksels()
- check_sels()
- check_sound_files()
- check_wavs()
- color.spectro()
- color_spectro()
- compare_methods()
- comp_matrix()
- consolidate()
- coor.graph()
- coor.test()
- cross_correlation()
- cut_sels()
- dfDTW()
- df_DTW()
- duration_sound_files()
- duration_wavs()
- envelope()
- ffDTW()
- filtersels()
- filter_sels()
- find_clipping()
- find_peaks()
- fixwavs()
- fix_extended_selection_table()
- fix_wavs()
- frange.detec()
- frange()
- freq_DTW()
- freq_range()
- freq_range_detec()
- freq_ts()
- full_spectrogram2pdf()
- full_spectrograms()
- gaps()
- image_to_wave()
- inflections()
- info_sound_files()
- info_wavs()
- internals()
- is_extended_selection_table()
- is_selection_table()
- lbh_selec_table()
- lbh_selec_table2()
- lspec()
- lspec2pdf()
- make.selection.table()
- map_xc()
- mfcc_stats()
- move_images()
- move_imgs()
- mp3_2_wav()
- mp32wav()
- multi_DTW()
- new_function_names()
- open_wd()
- overlapping_sels()
- ovlp_sels()
- phylo_spectro()
- plot_coordination()
- print.autodetec.output()
- print.extended_selection_table()
- print.find_peaks.output()
- print.selection_table()
- print.xcorr.output()
- querxc()
- query_xc()
- rbind.extended_selection_table()
- rbind.selection_table()
- read_sound_file()
- read_wave()
- remove_channels()
- remove_silence()
- rename_est_waves()
- rename_waves_est()
- resample_est()
- resample_est_waves()
- rm_channels()
- rm_sil()
- selec.table()
- selection_table()
- seltailor()
- sig2noise()
- signal_2_noise()
- simulate_songs()
- sim_coor_sing()
- sim_songs()
- snrspecs()
- snr_specs()
- snr_spectrograms()
- song_analysis()
- song_param()
- sort_colms()
- sound_pressure_level()
- specan()
- specreator()
- spectrograms()
- spectro_analysis()
- spec_param()
- split_sound_files()
- split_wavs()
- sub-.extended_selection_table()
- sub-.selection_table()
- tailor_sels()
- test_coordination()
- trackfreqs()
- track_freq_contour()
- track_harmonic()
- try_na()
- tweak_spectro()
- warbleR()
- warbleR_options()
- wavdur()
- wav_2_flac()
- wav_dur()
- wav_info()
- wpd_features()
- xcmaps()
- xcorr()
R Codes
- auto_detec.R
- by_element_est.R
- catalog.R
- catalog2pdf.R
- check_sels.R
- check_sound_files.R
- color_spectro.R
- compare_methods.R
- comp_matrix-data.R
- consolidate.R
- cross_correlation.R
- cut_sels.R
- deprec_funs.R
- duration_sound_files.R
- filter_sels.R
- find_clipping.R
- find_peaks.R
- fix_wavs.R
- freq_DTW.R
- freq_range.R
- freq_range_detec.R
- freq_ts.R
- full_spectrogram2pdf.R
- full_spectrograms.R
- gaps.R
- image_to_wave.R
- inflections.R
- info_sound_files.R
- internal_functions.R
- lbh_selec_table-data.R
- lbh_selec_table2-data.R
- mfcc_stats.R
- move_images.R
- mp32wav.R
- multi_DTW.R
- new_function_names.R
- open_wd.R
- overlapping_sels.R
- phylo_spectro.R
- plot_coordination.R
- query_xc.R
- RcppExports.R
- read_sound_file.R
- read_wave.R
- remove_channels.R
- remove_silence.R
- rename_est_waves.R
- resample_est.R
- selec.table-data.R
- selection_table.R
- sig2noise.R
- simulate_songs.R
- sim_coor_sing-data.R
- snr_spectrograms.R
- song_analysis.R
- sort_colms.R
- sound_pressure_level.R
- spectrograms.R
- spectro_analysis.R
- split_sound_files.R
- tailor_sels.R
- test_coordination.R
- track_freq_contour.R
- track_harmonic.R
- try_na.R
- tweak_spectro.R
- warbleR-package.R
- warbleR_options.R
- wav_2_flac.R
- wpd_features.R
- xc_maps.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: warbleR
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