R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addNAstr()
- children()
- chisq.residuals()
- clipcopy()
- cprop()
- cramer.v()
- cross.multi.table()
- describe()
- duplicated2()
- enfants()
- escape_regex()
- fecondite()
- femmes()
- fertility()
- first_non_null()
- format.proptab()
- freq.na()
- freq()
- ggsurvey()
- happy()
- hdv2003()
- households()
- icut()
- iorder()
- irec()
- ltabs()
- menages()
- multi.split()
- multi.table()
- na.rm()
- odds.ratio()
- print.proptab()
- prop()
- qload()
- qscan()
- quant.cut()
- recode.na()
- reexports()
- rename.variable()
- rm.unused.levels()
- rp2012()
- rp2018()
- rprop()
- tabs()
- women()
- wtd.mean()
- wtd.table()
R Codes
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