R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- BootPos-class()
- ClippedCov-class()
- ClippedCov-constructor()
- ClippedFT-class()
- ClippedFT-constructor()
- closest.pos()
- data-sp500()
- data-wheatprices()
- dot-computeCoherency()
- dot-computeSdNaive()
- FreqRep-class()
- frequenciesValidator()
- generics-accessors()
- generics-associations()
- generics-functions()
- getB-FreqRep()
- getB-LagOperator()
- getBootPos-FreqRep()
- getBootPos-LagOperator()
- getBw-KernelWeight()
- getBw-LagKernelWeight()
- getCoherency-QuantileSD()
- getCoherency-SmoothedPG()
- getCoherencySdNaive-SmoothedPG()
- getDescr-Weight()
- getFreqRep-QuantilePG()
- getFrequencies-FreqRep()
- getFrequencies-QSpecQuantity()
- getIsRankBased-FreqRep()
- getIsRankBased-LagOperator()
- getLagOperator-LagEstimator()
- getLevels-FreqRep()
- getLevels-LagOperator()
- getLevels-QSpecQuantity()
- getMaxLag-LagOperator()
- getMeanPG-QuantileSD()
- getN-QuantileSD()
- getParallel-QRegEstimator()
- getPointwiseCIs-LagEstimator()
- getPointwiseCIs-SmoothedPG()
- getPositions-MovingBlocks()
- getQuantilePG-QuantileSD()
- getQuantilePG-SmoothedPG()
- getQuantileSD-IntegrQuantileSD()
- getR-QuantileSD()
- getSdBoot-LagEstimator()
- getSdBoot-SmoothedPG()
- getSdNaive-LagEstimator()
- getSdNaive-SmoothedPG()
- getStdError-QuantileSD()
- getTs-QuantileSD()
- getType-QuantileSD()
- getValues-FreqRep()
- getValues-IntegrQuantileSD()
- getValues-KernelWeight()
- getValues-LagEstimator()
- getValues-LagKernelWeight()
- getValues-LagOperator()
- getValues-QuantilePG()
- getValues-QuantileSD()
- getValues-SmoothedPG()
- getValues-SpecDistrWeight()
- getW-KernelWeight()
- getW-LagKernelWeight()
- getWeight-LagEstimator()
- getWeight-SmoothedPG()
- getWnj-KernelWeight()
- getY-FreqRep()
- increasePrecision-QuantileSD()
- IntegrQuantileSD-class()
- IntegrQuantileSD-constructor()
- is.wholenumber()
- kernels()
- KernelWeight-class()
- KernelWeight-constructor()
- LagEstimator-class()
- LagEstimator-constructor()
- LagKernelWeight-class()
- LagKernelWeight-constructor()
- LagOperator-class()
- lenTS()
- MovingBlocks-class()
- MovingBlocks-constructor()
- plot-FreqRep()
- plot-IntegrQuantileSD()
- plot-KernelWeight()
- plot-LagEstimator()
- plot-LagKernelWeight()
- plot-LagOperator()
- plot-QuantilePG()
- plot-QuantileSD()
- plot-SmoothedPG()
- plot-SpecDistrWeight()
- QRegEstimator-class()
- QRegEstimator-constructor()
- QSpecQuantity-class()
- QuantilePG-class()
- QuantilePG-constructor()
- QuantileSD-class()
- QuantileSD-constructor()
- quantspec-defunct()
- quantspec-package()
- SmoothedPG-class()
- SmoothedPG-constructor()
- SpecDistrWeight-class()
- SpecDistrWeight-constructor()
- timeSeriesValidator()
- ts-models-AR1()
- ts-models-AR2()
- ts-models-ARCH1()
- ts-models-QAR1()
- ts-models()
- Weight-class()
R Codes
- aux-functions.R
- Class-BootPos.R
- Class-ClippedCov.R
- Class-ClippedFT.R
- Class-FreqRep.R
- Class-IntegrQuantileSD.R
- Class-KernelWeight.R
- Class-LagEstimator.R
- Class-LagKernelWeight.R
- Class-LagOperator.R
- Class-MovingBlocks.R
- Class-QRegEstimator.R
- Class-QSpecQuantity.R
- Class-QuantilePG.R
- Class-QuantileSD.R
- Class-SmoothedPG.R
- Class-SpecDistrWeight.R
- Class-Weight.R
- data.R
- deprecated.R
- generics.R
- kernels.R
- models.R
- quantspec-package.R
- RcppExports.R
Selected R package: quantspec
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