R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- A_noia-package()
- B_geneticRegression()
- C_GPmapanalysis()
- effectsNames()
- geneticEffects()
- genotypesNames()
- GPmap()
- marginallocus()
- plotNoia()
- printNoia()
- simulatePop()
- varianceDecomposition()
R Codes
- barplot.noia.gpmap.R
- bilinearStep.R
- checkgenZ.R
- drawGenotype.R
- effectsNamesGeneral.R
- effectsNamesMultilinear.R
- effectsPvalues.R
- effectsSelect.R
- effectsStdErr.R
- effectsVariances.R
- effNames.R
- formulaMultilinear.R
- freqmat2Sgenofreq.R
- freqmat2Sgenofreqloc.R
- gen2genZ.R
- gen2Z.R
- geneticEffects.R
- genNames.R
- genNamesAppend.R
- genZ2freq.R
- genZ2S.R
- genZ2X.R
- genZ2Z.R
- genZ2ZS.R
- GPmap.R
- image.noia.marloc.R
- isolateLoc.R
- lGPaextract.R
- linearGPmapanalysis.R
- linearRegression.R
- marginallocus.R
- multilinearRegression.R
- partialX.R
- plot.noia.linear.R
- plot.noia.marloc.R
- plotlocus.R
- plottwoloci.R
- preparelinearGPmap.R
- prepareRegression.R
- print.noia.common.R
- print.noia.linear.gpmap.R
- print.noia.linear.R
- print.noia.multilinear.R
- print.noia.vardec.R
- recomputeG.R
- reconstructLinearEffects.R
- simulatePop.R
- Sloc.R
- startingValues.R
- startingValuesLinear.R
- startingValuesMultilinear.R
- startingValuesNothing.R
- startingValuesReg.R
- statusMaxDom.R
- statusMaxLevel.R
- varianceDecomposition.R
- Z2freq.R
Selected R package: noia
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