R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adj_spec_test()
- bethe_hessian_select()
- compute_block_sums()
- compute_confusion_matrix()
- compute_mutual_info()
- estim_dcsbm()
- eval_dcsbm_bic()
- eval_dcsbm_like()
- eval_dcsbm_loglr()
- extract_largest_cc()
- extract_low_deg_comp()
- fast_cpl()
- fast_sbm()
- gen_rand_conn()
- get_dcsbm_exav_deg()
- label_mat2vec()
- label_vec2mat()
- nac_test()
- pipe()
- plot_deg_dist()
- plot_net()
- plot_roc()
- plot_smooth_profile()
- polblogs()
- pp_conn()
- printf()
- rsymperm()
- sample_dcer()
- sample_dclvm()
- sample_dcpp()
- sample_dcsbm()
- sample_tdcsbm()
- simulate_roc()
- sinkhorn_knopp()
- snac_resample()
- snac_select()
- snac_test()
- spec_clust()
- spec_repr()
R Codes
Selected R package: nett
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