R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ADbreak()
- ADNimbleList()
- ADproxyModelClass-class()
- any_na()
- as.carAdjacency()
- as.carCM()
- asRow()
- autoBlock()
- BUGSdeclClass-class()
- buildAuxiliaryFilter()
- buildBootstrapFilter()
- buildEnsembleKF()
- buildIteratedFilter2()
- buildLiuWestFilter()
- buildMCEM()
- buildMCMC()
- calculateWAIC()
- CAR-Normal()
- CAR-Proper()
- carBounds()
- carMaxBound()
- carMinBound()
- CAR_calcNumIslands()
- Categorical()
- checkInterrupt()
- ChineseRestaurantProcess()
- clearCompiled()
- CmodelBaseClass-class()
- CnimbleFunctionBase-class()
- codeBlockClass-class()
- compareMCMCs()
- compileNimble()
- configureMCMC()
- configureRJ()
- Constraint()
- decide()
- decideAndJump()
- declare()
- deregisterDistributions()
- Dirichlet()
- distributionInfo()
- Double-Exponential()
- eigenNimbleList()
- Exponential()
- extractControlElement()
- flat()
- getBound()
- getBUGSexampleDir()
- getConditionallyIndependentSets()
- getDefinition()
- getMacroParameters()
- getNimbleOption()
- getParam()
- getSamplesDPmeasure()
- getsize()
- identityMatrix()
- initializeModel()
- Interval()
- Inverse-Gamma()
- Inverse-Wishart()
- is.nf()
- is.nl()
- laplace()
- LKJ()
- makeBoundInfo()
- makeModelDerivsInfo()
- makeParamInfo()
- MCMCconf-class()
- MCMCsuite()
- modelBaseClass-class()
- modelDefClass-class()
- modelInitialization()
- modelValues()
- modelValuesBaseClass-class()
- modelValuesConf()
- model_macro_builder()
- Multinomial()
- Multivariate-t()
- MultivariateNormal()
- nfMethod()
- nfVar()
- nimble-internal()
- nimble-math()
- nimble-package()
- nimble-R-functions()
- nimbleCode()
- nimbleExternalCall()
- nimbleFunction()
- nimbleFunctionBase-class()
- nimbleFunctionList-class()
- nimbleFunctionVirtual()
- nimbleList()
- nimbleMCMC()
- nimbleModel()
- nimbleOptions()
- nimbleRcall()
- nimbleType-class()
- nimCat()
- nimCopy()
- nimDerivs()
- nimDim()
- nimEigen()
- nimIntegrate()
- nimMatrix()
- nimNumeric()
- nimOptim()
- nimOptimDefaultControl()
- nimPrint()
- nimStop()
- nimSvd()
- nodeFunctions()
- optimControlNimbleList()
- optimDefaultControl()
- optimResultNimbleList()
- parameterTransform()
- pow_int()
- printErrors()
- rankSample()
- readBUGSmodel()
- registerDistributions()
- resize()
- Rmatrix2mvOneVar()
- RmodelBaseClass-class()
- run.time()
- runCrossValidate()
- runMCMC()
- samplers()
- setAndCalculate()
- setAndCalculateOne()
- setSize()
- setupMargNodes()
- setupOutputs()
- simNodes()
- simNodesMV()
- singleVarAccessClass-class()
- StickBreakingFunction()
- summaryLaplace()
- svdNimbleList()
- t()
- testBUGSmodel()
- valueInCompiledNimbleFunction()
- values()
- waic()
- waicDetailsNimbleList()
- waicNimbleList()
- Wishart()
- withNimbleOptions()
R Codes
- all_utils.R
- BNP_distributions.R
- BNP_samplers.R
- BUGS_contexts.R
- BUGS_getDependencies.R
- BUGS_graphNodeMaps.R
- BUGS_macros.R
- BUGS_mathCompatibility.R
- BUGS_model.R
- BUGS_modelDef.R
- BUGS_nimbleGraph.R
- BUGS_utils.R
- config.R
- cppDefs_ADtools.R
- cppDefs_BUGSmodel.R
- cppDefs_core.R
- cppDefs_cppProject.R
- cppDefs_modelValues.R
- cppDefs_namedObjects.R
- cppDefs_nimbleFunction.R
- cppDefs_nimbleList.R
- cppDefs_outputCppFromRparseTree.R
- cppDefs_RCfunction.R
- cppDefs_utils.R
- cppDefs_variables.R
- cppInterfaces_models.R
- cppInterfaces_modelValues.R
- cppInterfaces_nimbleFunctions.R
- cppInterfaces_otherTypes.R
- cppInterfaces_utils.R
- crossValidation.R
- distributions_implementations.R
- distributions_inputList.R
- distributions_processInputList.R
- externalCalls.R
- genCpp_addDebugMarks.R
- genCpp_buildIntermediates.R
- genCpp_eigenization.R
- genCpp_exprClass.R
- genCpp_generateCpp.R
- genCpp_initSizes.R
- genCpp_insertAssertions.R
- genCpp_liftMaps.R
- genCpp_maps.R
- genCpp_operatorLists.R
- genCpp_processSpecificCalls.R
- genCpp_RparseTree2exprClasses.R
- genCpp_sizeProcessing.R
- genCpp_toEigenize.R
- initializeModel.R
- Laplace.R
- makevars.R
- MCEM_build.R
- MCMC_autoBlock.R
- MCMC_build.R
- MCMC_configuration.R
- MCMC_conjugacy.R
- MCMC_run.R
- MCMC_samplers.R
- MCMC_utils.R
- miscFunctions.R
- NF_utils.R
- nimbleFunction_compile.R
- nimbleFunction_core.R
- nimbleFunction_keywordProcessing.R
- nimbleFunction_nodeFunction.R
- nimbleFunction_nodeFunctionNew.R
- nimbleFunction_Rderivs.R
- nimbleFunction_Rexecution.R
- nimbleFunction_util.R
- nimbleList_core.R
- nimbleProject.R
- options.R
- parameterTransform.R
- RCfunction_compile.R
- RCfunction_core.R
- registration.R
- setNimbleInternalFunctions.R
- types_modelValues.R
- types_modelValuesAccessor.R
- types_modelVariableAccessor.R
- types_nimbleFunctionList.R
- types_nodeFxnVector.R
- types_numericLists.R
- types_symbolTable.R
- types_util.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: nimble
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