R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- advanced()
- aheatmap()
- algorithm-commaNMFList-method()
- algorithmic()
- assess()
- atrack()
- basis-coef-methods()
- basiscor()
- bioc()
- c-commaNMF-method()
- canFit()
- ccBreaks()
- ccPalette()
- ccRamp()
- ccSpec()
- checkErrors()
- cluster_mat()
- connectivity()
- consensus-commaNMFfitX1-method()
- consensus-commaNMFfitXn-method()
- consensushc()
- cophcor()
- cutdendro()
- deviance()
- dimnames()
- dims()
- dispersion()
- dot-fcnnls()
- esGolub()
- fcnnls()
- fit()
- fitted()
- foreach()
- Frobenius-nmf()
- gfile()
- grid()
- heatmaps()
- inplace()
- isCRANcheck()
- KL-nmf()
- latex()
- lsNMF-nmf()
- lverbose()
- match_atrack()
- NMF-class()
- nmf-compare()
- NMF-defunct()
- NMF-deprecated()
- NMF-package()
- nmf.equal()
- nmf()
- nmfAlgorithm()
- nmfApply()
- nmfCheck()
- nmfEstimateRank()
- NMFfit-class()
- NMFfitX-class()
- NMFfitX()
- NMFfitX1-class()
- NMFfitXn-class()
- nmfFormals()
- NMFList-class()
- nmfModel()
- NMFns-class()
- nmfObject()
- NMFOffset-class()
- nmfReport()
- NMFSeed-class()
- nmfSeed()
- NMFstd-class()
- NMFStrategy-class()
- NMFStrategy()
- NMFStrategyFunction-class()
- NMFStrategyIterative-class()
- nmfWrapper()
- nmf_update_euclidean()
- nmf_update_KL()
- nneg()
- nsNMF-nmf()
- objective-commaNMFfit-method()
- offset-commaNMFfit-method()
- offset-commaNMFOffset-method()
- offset-nmf()
- options()
- parallel()
- parse_formula()
- plot-commaNMFfit-commamissing-method()
- predict()
- profplot()
- purity()
- randomize()
- registry-algorithm()
- residuals()
- revPalette()
- rmatrix()
- RNG()
- rnmf()
- rss()
- runtime-commaNMFList-method()
- runtime.all-commaNMFfitXn-method()
- scale.NMF()
- scores()
- seed()
- setNMFMethod()
- setNMFSeed()
- setup()
- show-commaNMF-method()
- show-commaNMFfit-method()
- show-commaNMFfitX-method()
- show-commaNMFfitX1-method()
- show-commaNMFfitXn-method()
- show-commaNMFList-method()
- show-commaNMFns-method()
- show-commaNMFOffset-method()
- show-commaNMFSeed-method()
- show-commaNMFStrategyIterative-method()
- silhouette.NMF()
- smoothing()
- SNMF-nmf()
- sparseness()
- staticVar()
- stop-NMF()
- Strategy-class()
- subset-NMF()
- syntheticNMF()
- t.NMF()
- terms-internal()
- terms()
- txtProgressBar()
- types()
- utils()
R Codes
- aheatmap.R
- algorithmic.R
- algorithms-base.R
- algorithms-lnmf.R
- algorithms-lsnmf.R
- algorithms-pe-nmf.R
- algorithms-siNMF.R
- algorithms-snmf.R
- atracks.R
- Bioc-layer.R
- colorcode.R
- data.R
- extractFeatures.R
- fixed-terms.R
- grid.R
- heatmaps.R
- NMF-class.R
- nmf-package.R
- nmf.R
- NMFfit-class.R
- nmfModel.R
- NMFns-class.R
- NMFOffset-class.R
- NMFplots.R
- NMFSeed-class.R
- NMFSet-class.R
- NMFstd-class.R
- NMFStrategy-class.R
- NMFStrategyFunction-class.R
- NMFStrategyIterative-class.R
- options.R
- parallel.R
- registry-algorithms.R
- registry-seed.R
- registry.R
- rmatrix.R
- rnmf.R
- run.R
- seed-base.R
- seed-ica.R
- seed-nndsvd.R
- setNMFClass.R
- simulation.R
- tests.R
- transforms.R
- utils.R
- versions.R
- vignetteFunctions.R
Selected R package: NMF
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