R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bucks()
- deg2rad()
- dl_from_dropbox()
- docData()
- extractAIC.MxModel()
- fin_interest()
- fin_JustifiedPE()
- fin_NI()
- fin_percent()
- fin_ticker()
- fin_valuation()
- Fischbein_wt()
- FishersMethod()
- geometric_mean()
- GFF()
- ggAddR()
- harmonic_mean()
- install.OpenMx()
- iqdat()
- libs()
- loadings.MxModel()
- loadings()
- noNAs()
- oddsratio()
- plot.MxLISRELModel()
- plot.MxModel()
- plot.MxModelTwinMaker()
- plot.percent()
- power.ACE.test()
- print.oddsratio()
- print.percent()
- print.reliability()
- print.RMSEA()
- prolific_anonymize()
- prolific_check_ID()
- prolific_read_demog()
- qm()
- rad2deg()
- reliability()
- residuals.MxModel()
- RMSEA.MxModel()
- RMSEA.summary.mxmodel()
- SE_from_p()
- tmx_genotypic_effect()
- tmx_is.identified()
- tmx_show.MxMatrix()
- tmx_show.MxModel()
- tmx_show()
- umx-deprecated()
- umx()
- umxACE()
- umxACEcov()
- umxACEv()
- umxAlgebra()
- umxAPA()
- umxBrownie()
- umxCI()
- umxCI_boot()
- umxCLPM()
- umxCompare()
- umxConfint()
- umxCov2cor()
- umxCP()
- umxDiagnose()
- umxDiffMZ()
- umxDiscTwin()
- umxDoC()
- umxDoCp()
- umxEFA()
- umxEquate()
- umxExamples()
- umxExpCov()
- umxExpMeans()
- umxFactor()
- umxFactorScores()
- umxFitIndices()
- umxFixAll()
- umxGetLatents()
- umxGetManifests()
- umxGetModel()
- umxGetParameters()
- umxGxE()
- umxGxEbiv()
- umxGxE_window()
- umxHetCor()
- umxIP()
- umxJiggle()
- umxLav2RAM()
- umxMatrix()
- umxMatrixFree()
- umxMI()
- umxModel()
- umxModelNames()
- umxModify()
- umxMRDoC()
- umxParameters()
- umxParan()
- umxPath()
- umxPlot()
- umxPlotACE()
- umxPlotACEcov()
- umxPlotACEv()
- umxPlotCP()
- umxPlotDoC()
- umxPlotFun()
- umxPlotGxE()
- umxPlotGxEbiv()
- umxPlotIP()
- umxPlotSexLim()
- umxPlotSimplex()
- umxPower()
- umxRAM()
- umxRAM2Lav()
- umxReduce()
- umxReduceACE()
- umxReduceGxE()
- umxRenameMatrix()
- umxRotate.MxModelCP()
- umxRotate()
- umxRun()
- umxSetParameters()
- umxSexLim()
- umxSimplex()
- umxSummarizeTwinData()
- umxSummary.MxModel()
- umxSummary()
- umxSummaryACE()
- umxSummaryACEcov()
- umxSummaryACEv()
- umxSummaryCP()
- umxSummaryDoC()
- umxSummaryGxE()
- umxSummaryGxEbiv()
- umxSummaryIP()
- umxSummaryMRDoC()
- umxSummarySexLim()
- umxSummarySimplex()
- umxSuperModel()
- umxThresholdMatrix()
- umxTwinMaker()
- umxTwoStage()
- umxUnexplainedCausalNexus()
- umxVersion()
- umxWeightedAIC()
- umx_aggregate()
- umx_APA_pval()
- umx_apply()
- umx_array_shift()
- umx_as_numeric()
- umx_check()
- umx_check_model()
- umx_check_names()
- umx_check_OS()
- umx_check_parallel()
- umx_cont_2_quantiles()
- umx_cor()
- umx_explode()
- umx_explode_twin_names()
- umx_file_load_pseudo()
- umx_find_object()
- umx_fun_mean_sd()
- umx_get_bracket_addresses()
- umx_get_checkpoint()
- umx_get_options()
- umx_grep()
- umx_has_been_run()
- umx_has_CIs()
- umx_has_means()
- umx_has_square_brackets()
- umx_is_class()
- umx_is_cov()
- umx_is_endogenous()
- umx_is_exogenous()
- umx_is_MxData()
- umx_is_MxMatrix()
- umx_is_MxModel()
- umx_is_numeric()
- umx_is_ordered()
- umx_is_RAM()
- umx_long2wide()
- umx_lower.tri()
- umx_lower2full()
- umx_make()
- umx_make_fake_data()
- umx_make_MR_data()
- umx_make_raw_from_cov()
- umx_make_sql_from_excel()
- umx_make_TwinData()
- umx_make_twin_data_nice()
- umx_means()
- umx_merge_randomized_columns()
- umx_move_file()
- umx_msg()
- umx_names()
- umx_open()
- umx_open_CRAN_page()
- umx_pad()
- umx_paste_names()
- umx_polychoric()
- umx_polypairwise()
- umx_polytriowise()
- umx_print()
- umx_read_lower()
- umx_rename()
- umx_rename_file()
- umx_reorder()
- umx_residualize()
- umx_rot()
- umx_round()
- umx_r_test()
- umx_scale()
- umx_scale_wide_twin_data()
- umx_score_scale()
- umx_select_valid()
- umx_set_auto_plot()
- umx_set_auto_run()
- umx_set_checkpoint()
- umx_set_condensed_slots()
- umx_set_cores()
- umx_set_data_variance_check()
- umx_set_dollar_symbol()
- umx_set_optimization_options()
- umx_set_optimizer()
- umx_set_plot_file_suffix()
- umx_set_plot_format()
- umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes()
- umx_set_separator()
- umx_set_silent()
- umx_set_table_format()
- umx_stack()
- umx_standardize()
- umx_strings2numeric()
- umx_string_to_algebra()
- umx_str_chars()
- umx_str_from_object()
- umx_time()
- umx_trim()
- umx_var()
- umx_wide2long()
- umx_write_to_clipboard()
- us_skinfold_data()
- xmuHasSquareBrackets()
- xmuLabel()
- xmuLabel_Matrix()
- xmuLabel_MATRIX_Model()
- xmuLabel_RAM_Model()
- xmuMakeDeviationThresholdsMatrices()
- xmuMakeOneHeadedPathsFromPathList()
- xmuMakeTwoHeadedPathsFromPathList()
- xmuMaxLevels()
- xmuMI()
- xmuMinLevels()
- xmuPropagateLabels()
- xmuRAM2Ordinal()
- xmuTwinSuper_Continuous()
- xmuTwinSuper_NoBinary()
- xmuTwinUpgradeMeansToCovariateModel()
- xmuValues()
- xmu_bracket_address2rclabel()
- xmu_cell_is_on()
- xmu_check_levels_identical()
- xmu_check_needs_means()
- xmu_check_variance()
- xmu_CI_merge()
- xmu_CI_stash()
- xmu_clean_label()
- xmu_data_missing()
- xmu_data_swap_a_block()
- xmu_describe_data_WLS()
- xmu_DF_to_mxData_TypeCov()
- xmu_dot_define_shapes()
- xmu_dot_maker()
- xmu_dot_make_paths()
- xmu_dot_make_residuals()
- xmu_dot_mat2dot()
- xmu_dot_move_ranks()
- xmu_dot_rank()
- xmu_dot_rank_str()
- xmu_extract_column()
- xmu_get_CI()
- xmu_lavaan_process_group()
- xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data()
- xmu_make_mxData()
- xmu_make_TwinSuperModel()
- xmu_match.arg()
- xmu_name_from_lavaan_str()
- xmu_PadAndPruneForDefVars()
- xmu_path2twin()
- xmu_path_regex()
- xmu_print_algebras()
- xmu_rclabel_2_bracket_address()
- xmu_safe_run_summary()
- xmu_set_sep_from_suffix()
- xmu_show_fit_or_comparison()
- xmu_simplex_corner()
- xmu_standardize_ACE()
- xmu_standardize_ACEcov()
- xmu_standardize_ACEv()
- xmu_standardize_CP()
- xmu_standardize_IP()
- xmu_standardize_RAM()
- xmu_standardize_SexLim()
- xmu_standardize_Simplex()
- xmu_starts()
- xmu_start_value_list()
- xmu_summary_RAM_group_parameters()
- xmu_twin_add_WeightMatrices()
- xmu_twin_check()
- xmu_twin_get_var_names()
- xmu_twin_make_def_means_mats_and_alg()
- xmu_twin_upgrade_selDvs2SelVars()
R Codes
- build_run_modify.R
- datasets.R
- deprecated.R
- fit_and_reporting.R
- lavanify2ram.R
- misc_and_utility.R
- package.R
- tmx.R
- TRHG_code.R
- umxCLPM.R
- umxDoC.R
- umxDoCbyPath.R
- umxMatrixFree.R
- umxMRDoC.R
- umxPower.R
- umx_build_high_level_models.R
- umx_build_polychoricMatrix3.R
- umx_build_umxACEv.R
- umx_build_umxGxEbiv.R
- umx_build_umxSexLim.R
- umx_build_umxSimplex.R
- umx_fit_stash_CIs.R
- umx_fit_umxFitIndices.R
- xmu.R
- xmu_make_top_twin_models.R
Selected R package: umx
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