R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_data()
- add_dfs()
- all_pos_ints()
- alt_gsmar()
- calc_gradient()
- change_parametrization()
- change_regime()
- check_and_correct_data()
- check_constraint_mat()
- check_data()
- check_gsmar()
- check_model()
- check_params_length()
- check_pM()
- condmomentPlot()
- condMoments()
- cond_moments()
- cond_moment_plot()
- diagnosticPlot()
- diagnostic_plot()
- extract_regime()
- fitGSMAR()
- format_valuef()
- GAfit()
- get_alpha_mt()
- get_ar_roots()
- get_IC()
- get_minval()
- get_regime_autocovs()
- get_regime_means()
- get_regime_vars()
- get_test_Omega()
- get_varying_h()
- isStationary()
- is_stationary()
- is_stationary_int()
- iterate_more()
- loglikelihood()
- loglikelihood_int()
- LR_test()
- M10Y1Y()
- mixingWeights()
- mixing_weights()
- mixing_weights_int()
- n_params()
- parameter_checks()
- pick_alphas()
- pick_dfs()
- pick_pars()
- pick_phi0()
- plot.gsmarpred()
- predict.gsmar()
- print.gsmarpred()
- print.gsmarsum()
- profile_logliks()
- quantileResidualPlot()
- quantileResiduals()
- quantileResidualTests()
- quantile_residuals()
- quantile_residuals_int()
- quantile_residual_plot()
- quantile_residual_tests()
- randomIndividual()
- random_arcoefs()
- random_ind()
- random_ind_int()
- random_regime()
- reform_constrained_pars()
- reform_parameters()
- reform_restricted_pars()
- regime_distance()
- remove_all_constraints()
- simudata()
- simulate.gsmar()
- simulateGSMAR()
- sort_components()
- standard_errors()
- stmarpars_to_gstmar()
- stmar_to_gstmar()
- swap_parametrization()
- T10Y1Y()
- TBFF()
- uGMAR-package()
- uncond_moments()
- uncond_moments_int()
- Wald_test()
- warn_ar_roots()
- warn_dfs()
R Codes
- argumentChecks.R
- data.R
- deprecatedFunctions.R
- diagnosticPlot.R
- geneticAlgorithm.R
- getOmega.R
- GSMARconstructor.R
- loglikelihood.R
- MAINest.R
- misc3methods.R
- morePlots.R
- numericalDifferentiation.R
- parameterReforms.R
- pickAndChangeParams.R
- plotMethods.R
- predictMethod.R
- printMethods.R
- quantileResiduals.R
- quantileResidualTests.R
- simulateGSMAR.R
- standardErrors.R
- uncondMoments.R
- WaldAndLR.R
Selected R package: uGMAR
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