R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ConstructGenesTree()
- ConstructLocTree()
- ConvertID()
- Enrichment.BP()
- Enrichment.CC()
- Enrichment.KEGG()
- Enrichment.MF()
- Enrichment.REAC()
- Get.diseases()
- GetAccessionList()
- GetExpression()
- GetFamily_Domains()
- GetGeneral_Information()
- GetMiscellaneous()
- GetNamesTaxa()
- GetPathology_Biotech()
- GetpdbStructure()
- GetProteinAnnontate()
- GetProteinFunction()
- GetProteinGOInfo()
- GetProteinInteractions()
- GetproteinNetwork()
- GetproteinNetwork_all()
- GetProteomeFasta()
- GetProteomeInfo()
- GetPTM_Processing()
- GetPublication()
- GETSeqFastaUniprot()
- GetSeqLength()
- GetSequenceIso()
- GetSequences()
- GetStructureInfo()
- GetSubcellular_location()
- Goparse()
- HandleBadRequests()
- Pathway.Enr()
- Plot.GOMolecular()
- Plot.GOSubCellular()
- PlotAcidity()
- PlotCharge()
- PlotChromosomeInfo()
- PlotEnrichedGO()
- PlotEnrichedPathways()
- PlotGenesNetwork()
- PlotGOAll()
- PlotGOBiological()
- PlotGoInfo()
- PlotGoterms()
- PlotGravy()
- PlotPhysicochemical()
- PlotproteinExist()
- PlotProteinGO_bio()
- PlotProteinGO_cel()
- PlotProteinGO_molc()
- PlotproteinStatus()
- PlotProteinTaxa()
- ProcessAcc()
R Codes
- ConstructGenesTree.R
- ConstructLocTree.R
- ConvertID.R
- GetAccessionList.R
- Getdiseases.R
- GetExpression.R
- GetFamily_Domains.R
- GetGeneral_Information.R
- GetMiscellaneous.R
- GetNamesTaxa.R
- GetPathology_Biotech.R
- GetpdbStructure.R
- GetProteinFunction.R
- GetProteinGOInfo.R
- GetProteinInteractions.R
- GetproteinNetwork.R
- GetproteinNetwork_all.R
- GetProteoAnnotator.R
- GetProteomeFasta.R
- GetProteomeInfo.R
- GetPTM_Processing.R
- GetPublication.R
- GETSeqFastaUniprot.R
- GetSeqLength.R
- GetSequenceIso.R
- GetSequences.R
- GetStructureInfo.R
- GetSubcellular_location.R
- HandleBadRequests.R
- PathwayAnalysis.R
- PlotAcidity.R
- PlotCharge.R
- PlotChromosomeInfo.R
- PlotEnrichedGO.R
- PlotEnrichedPathways.R
- PlotGenesNetwork.R
- PlotGOAll.R
- PlotGoInfo.R
- PlotGoterms.R
- PlotGravy.R
- PlotPhyscochemical.R
- PlotproteinExist.R
- PlotproteinStatus.R
- PlotProteinTaxa.R
- plot_GO.R
- ProcessAcc.R
Selected R package: UniprotR
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