R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- assertCollectionAddin()
- capture_parse_eval_side_effects()
- capture_side_effects()
- dputSelectedAddin()
- element_classes()
- element_lengths()
- element_types()
- gxs_function()
- gxs_selection()
- initializeGXSFunctionAddin()
- initializeTestthatAddin()
- insertExpectationsAddin()
- navigateTestFileAddin()
- num_total_elements()
- prepare_insertion()
- render_toc()
- set_test_seed()
- simplified_formals()
- smpl()
- stop_if()
- strip()
- strip_msg()
- suppress_mw()
- wrapStringAddin()
- xpectr()
R Codes
- addin_utils.R
- assert_collection_addin.R
- create_expectations.R
- do_if.R
- dput_addins.R
- element_descriptors.R
- expectation_creators.R
- gxs_function.R
- gxs_selection.R
- helpers.R
- initialize_gxs_function_addin.R
- initialize_test_that_addin.R
- navigateTestFileAddin.R
- package_info.R
- prepare_insertion.R
- sample.R
- set_test_seed.R
- side_effects.R
- simplified_formals.R
- string_utils.R
- strip.R
- strip_side_effect_messages.R
- suppress_mw.R
- table_of_content_markdown.R
- testthat_addins.R
- wrap_string_addin.R
Selected R package: xpectr
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