R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ContinuousScaleFitness()
- Counted()
- DeJongF4Factory()
- DelayedPFactory()
- DispersionMeasureFactory()
- DispersionRatio()
- envXOR()
- EvalGene()
- EvalGeneDet()
- EvalGeneFactory()
- EvalGeneR()
- EvalGeneStoch()
- EvalGeneU()
- lau15()
- newCounter()
- newEnvXOR()
- NewlFevalGenes()
- NewlFselectGenes()
- newTimer()
- newTSP()
- Parabola2DEarlyFactory()
- Parabola2DErrFactory()
- Parabola2DFactory()
- parm()
- predictSelectTime()
- runOneBenchmark()
- runSelectBenchmarks()
- ScaleFitness()
- ScalingFactory()
- ScalingFitness()
- selectBenchmark()
- SelectDuel()
- SelectGeneFactory()
- SelectLinearRankTSR()
- SelectLRSelective()
- SelectPropFit()
- SelectPropFitDiff()
- SelectPropFitDiffM()
- SelectPropFitDiffOnln()
- SelectPropFitM()
- SelectPropFitOnln()
- SelectSTournament()
- SelectSUS()
- SelectTournament()
- SelectUniform()
- SelectUniformP()
- STournament()
- testEvalGeneStoch()
- testSelectGene()
- ThresholdScaleFitness()
- Timed()
- Tournament()
- TransformSelect()
- xegaSelectGene()
R Codes
Selected R package: xegaSelectGene
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