R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- activeSheet()
- addCreator()
- addFilter()
- addStyle()
- addWorksheet()
- all.equal()
- buildWorkbook()
- cloneWorksheet()
- col2int()
- conditionalFormat()
- conditionalFormatting()
- convertFromExcelRef()
- convertToDate()
- convertToDateTime()
- copyWorkbook()
- createComment()
- createStyle()
- createWorkbook()
- dataValidation()
- deleteData()
- freezePane()
- getBaseFont()
- getCellRefs()
- getCreators()
- getDateOrigin()
- getNamedRegions()
- getSheetNames()
- getStyles()
- getTables()
- groupColumns()
- groupRows()
- if_null_then()
- insertImage()
- insertPlot()
- int2col()
- loadWorkbook()
- makeHyperlinkString()
- mergeCells()
- modifyBaseFont()
- NamedRegion()
- names()
- openXL()
- openxlsx()
- openxlsxFontSizeLookupTable()
- openxlsx_options()
- pageBreak()
- pageSetup()
- protectWorkbook()
- protectWorksheet()
- read.xlsx()
- readWorkbook()
- removeCellMerge()
- removeColWidths()
- removeComment()
- removeFilter()
- removeRowHeights()
- removeTable()
- removeWorksheet()
- renameWorksheet()
- replaceStyle()
- saveWorkbook()
- setColWidths()
- setFooter()
- setHeader()
- setHeaderFooter()
- setLastModifiedBy()
- setRowHeights()
- sheets()
- sheetVisibility()
- sheetVisible()
- showGridLines()
- temp_xlsx()
- ungroupColumns()
- ungroupRows()
- worksheetOrder()
- write.xlsx()
- writeComment()
- writeData()
- writeDataTable()
- writeFormula()
R Codes
- asserts.R
- baseXML.R
- borderFunctions.R
- build_workbook.R
- chartsheet_class.R
- class_definitions.R
- CommentClass.R
- conditional_formatting.R
- data-fontSizeLookupTables.R
- helperFunctions.R
- HyperlinkClass.R
- loadWorkbook.R
- onUnload.R
- openXL.R
- openxlsx-package.R
- openxlsx.R
- openxlsxCoerce.R
- RcppExports.R
- readWorkbook.R
- sheet_data_class.R
- StyleClass.R
- utils.R
- WorkbookClass.R
- workbook_column_widths.R
- workbook_read_workbook.R
- workbook_write_data.R
- worksheet_class.R
- wrappers.R
- writeData.R
- writeDataTable.R
- writexlsx.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: openxlsx
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