R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_sheet()
- add_slide()
- annotate_base()
- as.matrix.rpptx()
- block_caption()
- block_list()
- block_pour_docx()
- block_section()
- block_table()
- block_toc()
- body_add()
- body_add_blocks()
- body_add_break()
- body_add_caption()
- body_add_docx()
- body_add_fpar()
- body_add_gg()
- body_add_img()
- body_add_par()
- body_add_plot()
- body_add_table()
- body_add_toc()
- body_add_xml()
- body_bookmark()
- body_end_block_section()
- body_end_section_columns()
- body_end_section_columns_landscape()
- body_end_section_continuous()
- body_end_section_landscape()
- body_end_section_portrait()
- body_remove()
- body_replace_all_text()
- body_replace_text_at_bkm()
- body_set_default_section()
- change_styles()
- color_scheme()
- cursor()
- docx_body_relationship()
- docx_body_xml()
- docx_bookmarks()
- docx_comments()
- docx_current_block_xml()
- docx_dim()
- docx_reference_img()
- docx_set_character_style()
- docx_set_paragraph_style()
- docx_show_chunk()
- docx_summary()
- doc_properties()
- empty_content()
- external_img()
- fortify_location()
- fpar()
- fp_border()
- fp_cell()
- fp_par()
- fp_text()
- ftext()
- get_reference_value()
- hyperlink_ftext()
- image_to_base64()
- layout_properties()
- layout_summary()
- length.rdocx()
- length.rpptx()
- media_extract()
- move_slide()
- notes_location_label()
- notes_location_type()
- officer-defunct()
- officer()
- officer_url_encode()
- on_slide()
- opts_current_table()
- pack_folder()
- page_mar()
- page_size()
- ph_hyperlink()
- ph_location()
- ph_location_fullsize()
- ph_location_label()
- ph_location_left()
- ph_location_right()
- ph_location_template()
- ph_location_type()
- ph_remove()
- ph_slidelink()
- ph_with()
- plot_instr()
- plot_layout_properties()
- pptx_summary()
- print.rpptx()
- print.rtf()
- prop_section()
- prop_table()
- read_docx()
- read_pptx()
- read_xlsx()
- remove_slide()
- rtf_add()
- rtf_doc()
- run_autonum()
- run_bookmark()
- run_columnbreak()
- run_comment()
- run_footnote()
- run_footnoteref()
- run_linebreak()
- run_pagebreak()
- run_reference()
- run_wordtext()
- run_word_field()
- sanitize_images()
- section_columns()
- set_autonum_bookmark()
- set_doc_properties()
- set_notes()
- shape_properties_tags()
- sheet_select()
- shortcuts()
- slide_size()
- slide_summary()
- sp_line()
- sp_lineend()
- str_encode_to_rtf()
- styles_info()
- table_colwidths()
- table_conditional_formatting()
- table_layout()
- table_stylenames()
- table_width()
- to_html()
- to_pml()
- to_rtf()
- to_wml()
- unordered_list()
- unpack_folder()
- uuid_generate()
- wml_link_images()
R Codes
- core_properties.R
- custom_properties.R
- defunct.R
- dev-utils.R
- docx_add.R
- docx_comments.R
- docx_cursor.R
- docx_part.R
- docx_replace.R
- docx_section.R
- docx_settings.R
- empty_content.R
- formatting_properties.R
- fortify_docx.R
- fortify_pptx.R
- knitr_utils.R
- officer.R
- ooxml.R
- ooxml_block_objects.R
- ooxml_run_objects.R
- openxml_content_type.R
- openxml_document.R
- pack_folder.R
- ph_location.R
- post-proc.R
- pptx_informations.R
- pptx_matrix.R
- pptx_slide_manip.R
- ppt_classes.R
- ppt_class_dir_collection.R
- ppt_notes.R
- ppt_ph_manipulate.R
- ppt_ph_with_methods.R
- read_docx.R
- read_docx_styles.R
- read_pptx.R
- read_xlsx.R
- relationship.R
- rtf.R
- shape_properties.R
- shorcuts.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: officer
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