R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ARI()
- available.koRpus.lang()
- bormuth()
- C.ld()
- clozeDelete-methods()
- coleman.liau()
- coleman()
- correct-methods()
- cTest-methods()
- CTTR()
- dale.chall()
- danielson.bryan()
- dickes.steiwer()
- docTermMatrix()
- DRP()
- ELF()
- farr.jenkins.paterson()
- filterByClass-methods()
- flesch.kincaid()
- flesch()
- FOG()
- freq.analysis-methods()
- fucks()
- get.kRp.env()
- guess.lang()
- gutierrez()
- harris.jacobson()
- HDD()
- hyphen-methods()
- install.koRpus.lang()
- jumbleWords-methods()
- K.ld()
- koRpus-deprecated()
- koRpus-package()
- kRp.cluster()
- kRp.corp.freq-class()
- kRp.lang-class()
- kRp.POS.tags()
- kRp.readability-class()
- kRp.text-class()
- kRp.text_get-methods()
- kRp.TTR-class()
- lex.div-methods()
- lex.div.num()
- linsear.write()
- LIX()
- maas()
- MTLD()
- nWS()
- pasteText-methods()
- plot-methods()
- query-methods()
- R.ld()
- read.BAWL()
- read.corp.celex()
- read.corp.custom-methods()
- read.corp.LCC()
- readability-methods()
- readability.num()
- readTagged-methods()
- RIX()
- S.ld()
- segment.optimizer()
- set.kRp.env()
- set.lang.support()
- show-methods()
- SMOG()
- spache()
- split_by_doc_id()
- strain()
- summary-methods()
- textFeatures()
- textTransform-methods()
- tokenize-methods()
- traenkle.bailer()
- treetag-methods()
- TRI()
- TTR()
- tuldava()
- types.tokens-methods()
- U.ld()
- wheeler.smith()
R Codes
- 00_environment.R
- 01_class_01_kRp.text.R
- 01_class_02_kRp.TTR.R
- 01_class_03_kRp.corp.freq.R
- 01_class_04_kRp.lang.R
- 01_class_05_kRp.readability.R
- 01_class_81_kRp.connection_union.R
- 01_class_90_deprecated_classes.R
- 02_method_clozeDelete.R
- 02_method_correct.R
- 02_method_cTest.R
- 02_method_docTermMatrix.R
- 02_method_filterByClass.R
- 02_method_freq.analysis.R
- 02_method_get_set_kRp.text.R
- 02_method_hyphen.R
- 02_method_jumbleWords.R
- 02_method_lex.div.R
- 02_method_pasteText.R
- 02_method_plot.kRp.text.R
- 02_method_query.R
- 02_method_read.corp.custom.R
- 02_method_readability.R
- 02_method_readTagged.R
- 02_method_show.kRp.corp.freq.R
- 02_method_show.kRp.lang.R
- 02_method_show.kRp.readability.R
- 02_method_show.kRp.text.R
- 02_method_show.kRp.TTR.R
- 02_method_split_by_doc_id.R
- 02_method_summary.kRp.lang.R
- 02_method_summary.kRp.readability.R
- 02_method_summary.kRp.text.R
- 02_method_summary.kRp.TTR.R
- 02_method_textTransform.R
- 02_method_tokenize.R
- 02_method_treetag.R
- 02_method_types_tokens.R
- available.koRpus.lang.R
- get.kRp.env.R
- guess.lang.R
- install.koRpus.lang.R
- koRpus-internal.freq.analysis.R
- koRpus-internal.import.R
- koRpus-internal.lexdiv.formulae.R
- koRpus-internal.R
- koRpus-internal.rdb.formulae.R
- koRpus-internal.rdb.params.grades.R
- koRpus-internal.read.corp.custom.R
- koRpus-package.R
- kRp.cluster.R
- kRp.POS.tags.R
- lex.div.num.R
- read.BAWL.R
- read.corp.celex.R
- read.corp.LCC.R
- readability.num.R
- segment.optimizer.R
- set.kRp.env.R
- set.lang.support.R
- textFeatures.R
- wrapper_functions_lex.div.R
- wrapper_functions_readability.R
Selected R package: koRpus
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