R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_linebreaks()
- add_samples()
- all_vars()
- bs()
- check_formula_list()
- check_full_blockdiag()
- check_rd_vcov()
- check_rd_vcov_list()
- clean_survname()
- combine_formulas()
- combine_formula_lists()
- default_hyperpars()
- densplot()
- difftime_df()
- duration_obj()
- expand_rd_vcov_full()
- extract_id()
- extract_lhs()
- extract_state()
- get_family()
- get_MIdat()
- get_missinfo()
- get_Mlist()
- get_modeltype()
- get_nranef()
- get_resp_mat()
- GR_crit()
- hc_rdslope_info()
- hc_rdslope_interact()
- JointAI()
- JointAIObject()
- list_models()
- longDF()
- MC_error()
- md_pattern()
- model_imp()
- ns()
- parameters()
- paste_coef()
- paste_data()
- paste_linpred()
- paste_scale()
- paste_scaling()
- PBC()
- plot.JointAI()
- plot_all()
- plot_imp_distr()
- predDF()
- predict.JointAI()
- rd_vcov()
- reformat_difftime()
- remove_lhs()
- residuals.JointAI()
- set_refcat()
- sharedParams()
- simLong()
- split_formula()
- split_formula_list()
- summary.JointAI()
- sum_duration()
- Surv()
- traceplot()
- wideDF()
R Codes
- add_samples.R
- build_model.R
- convergence_criteria.R
- datasets.R
- deprecated.R
- divide_matrices.R
- extract_state.R
- get_data_list.R
- get_MIdat.R
- get_modeltypes.R
- get_model_dimensions.R
- get_model_info.R
- get_params.R
- get_refs.R
- get_subset.R
- helpfunctions.R
- helpfunctions_checks.R
- helpfunctions_divide_matrices.R
- helpfunctions_formulas.R
- helpfunctions_formulas_general.R
- helpfunctions_info_list.R
- helpfunctions_JAGS.R
- helpfunctions_JAGSmodel.R
- helpfunctions_melt.R
- helpfunctions_model_imp.R
- helpfunctions_prediction.R
- helpfunctions_print-paste.R
- helpfunctions_ranefs.R
- helpfunctions_summary.R
- helpfunctions_survival.R
- helpfunctions_tests.R
- helpfunctions_vcov.R
- JAGSmodel_clm.R
- JAGSmodel_clmm.R
- JAGSmodel_glm.R
- JAGSmodel_glmm.R
- JAGSmodel_mlogit.R
- JAGSmodel_mlogitmm.R
- JAGSmodel_surv.R
- JointAI.R
- JointAIObject.R
- list_models.R
- md_pattern.R
- methods.R
- model_imp.R
- parameters.R
- plots.R
- plot_imp_distr.R
- predict.R
- residuals.R
- scaling.R
- splines.R
- summary.JointAI.R
Selected R package: JointAI
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