#' Print Method for Objects of Class \dQuote{list} #' #' Displays a list comprised of summarytools objects created with \code{lapply}. #' #' @usage #' \method{print}{list}(x, method = "pander", file = "", #' append = FALSE, report.title = NA, table.classes = NA, #' bootstrap.css = st_options('bootstrap.css'), #' custom.css = st_options('custom.css'), silent = FALSE, #' footnote = st_options('footnote'), collapse = 0, #' escape.pipe = st_options('escape.pipe'), \dots) #' #' @inheritParams print.summarytools #' @method print list #' @export print.list <- function(x, method = "pander", file = "", append = FALSE, report.title = NA, table.classes = NA, bootstrap.css = st_options("bootstrap.css"), custom.css = st_options("custom.css"), silent = FALSE, footnote = st_options("footnote"), collapse = 0, escape.pipe = st_options("escape.pipe"), ...) { if (inherits(x[[1]], "summarytools")) { view(x, method = method, file = file, append = append, report.title = report.title, table.classes = table.classes, bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css, custom.css = custom.css, silent = silent, footnote = footnote, collapse = collapse, escape.pipe = escape.pipe, ...) } else { base::print.default(x, ...) } }