SeriesAggreg.list <- function(x, Format, ConvertFun, NewTimeFormat = NULL, simplify = FALSE, except = NULL, recursive = TRUE, ...) { classIni <- class(x) class(x) <- "list" # in order to avoid the use of '['.InputsModel' or '['.OutputsModel' when x[i] is used if (missing(Format)) { Format <- .GetSeriesAggregFormat(NewTimeFormat) } else if (!is.null(NewTimeFormat)) { warning("deprecated 'NewTimeFormat' argument: 'Format' argument is used instead", call. = FALSE) } # Check ConvertFun if (any(classIni %in% c("InputsModel", "OutputsModel"))) { if (!all( { warning("Argument 'ConvertFun' is ignored on 'InputsModel' and 'OutputsModel' objects") } } else if (length(ConvertFun) != 1) { stop("Argument 'ConvertFun' must be of length 1 with 'list' object") } else if (!is.character(ConvertFun)) { stop("Argument 'ConvertFun' must be a character") } # Determination of DatesR if (!is.null(x$DatesR)) { if (!inherits(x$DatesR, "POSIXt")) { stop("'x$DatesR' should be of class 'POSIXt'") } DatesR <- x$DatesR } else { # Auto-detection of POSIXt item in Tabseries itemPOSIXt <- which(sapply(x, function(x) { inherits(x, "POSIXt") }, simplify = TRUE))[1] if ( { stop("At least one item of argument 'x' should be of class 'POSIXt'") } warning("Item 'DatesR' not found in 'x' argument: the item ", names(x)[itemPOSIXt], " has been automatically chosen") DatesR <- x[[names(x)[itemPOSIXt]]] } # Selection of numeric items for aggregation numericCols <- names(which(sapply(x, inherits, "numeric"))) arrayCols <- names(which(sapply(x, inherits, "array"))) numericCols <- setdiff(numericCols, arrayCols) if (!is.null(except)) { if (!inherits(except, "character")) { stop("Argument 'except' should be a 'character'") } numericCols <- setdiff(numericCols, except) } cols <- x[numericCols] lengthCols <- sapply(cols, length, simplify = TRUE) if (any(lengthCols != length(DatesR))) { sErr <- paste0(names(lengthCols)[lengthCols != length(DatesR)], " (", lengthCols[lengthCols != length(DatesR)], ")", collapse = ", ") warning("The length of the following `numeric` items in 'x' ", "is different than the length of 'DatesR (", length(DatesR), ")': they will be ignored in the aggregation: ", sErr) cols <- cols[lengthCols == length(DatesR)] } dfOut <- NULL if (length(cols)) { # Treating aggregation at root level if ( { ConvertFun2 <- .GetAggregConvertFun(names(cols), Format) } else { ConvertFun2 <- rep(ConvertFun, length(cols)) } dfOut <- SeriesAggreg(cbind(DatesR,, Format, ..., ConvertFun = ConvertFun2) } if (simplify) { # Returns data.frame of numeric found in the first level of the list return(dfOut) } else { res <- list() # Convert aggregated data.frame into list if (!is.null(dfOut)) { res <- as.list(dfOut) ## To be consistent with InputsModel class and because plot.OutputsModel use the POSIXlt class res$DatesR <- as.POSIXlt(res$DatesR) } # Exploration of embedded lists and data.frames if (is.null(recursive) || recursive) { listCols <- x[!names(x) %in% except] listCols <- listCols[sapply(listCols, inherits, "list")] dfCols <- x[sapply(x, inherits, "data.frame")] dfCols <- c(dfCols, x[sapply(x, inherits, "matrix")]) listCols <- listCols[setdiff(names(listCols), names(dfCols))] if (length(listCols) > 0) { if ( { # Check for predefined ConvertFun for all sub-elements listConvertFun <- .GetAggregConvertFun(names(listCols), Format) } # Run SeriesAggreg for each embedded list listRes <- lapply(names(listCols), function(y) { listCols[[y]]$DatesR <- DatesR if ( { SeriesAggreg.list(listCols[[y]], Format = Format, recursive = NULL, ..., ConvertFun = listConvertFun[y]) } else { SeriesAggreg.list(listCols[[y]], Format = Format, recursive = NULL, ...) } }) names(listRes) <- names(listCols) if (is.null(res$DatesR)) { # Copy DatesR in top level list res$DatesR <- listRes[[1]]$DatesR } # Remove DatesR in embedded lists lapply(names(listRes), function(x) { listRes[[x]]$DatesR <<- NULL }) res <- c(res, listRes) } if (length(dfCols) > 0) { # Processing matrix and dataframes for (i in length(dfCols)) { key <- names(dfCols)[i] m <- dfCols[[i]] if (nrow(m) != length(DatesR)) { warning( "The number of rows of the 'matrix' item ", key, " (", nrow(m), ") is different than the length of 'DatesR ('", length(DatesR), "), it will be ignored in the aggregation" ) } else { if ( { ConvertFun2 <- rep(.GetAggregConvertFun(key, Format), ncol(m)) } else { ConvertFun2 <- rep(ConvertFun, ncol(m)) } res[[key]] <-, m), Format = Format, ConvertFun = ConvertFun2) } } } } # Store elements that are not aggregated res <- c(res, x[setdiff(names(x), names(res))]) class(res) <- gsub("hourly|daily|monthly|yearly", .GetSeriesAggregClass(Format), classIni) return(res) } }