interpPairs.list <- function(object, .proportion, envir=list(), pairs=c('1'='\\.0$', '2'='\\.1$', replace0='', replace1='.2', replace2='.3'), validProportion=0:1, message0=character(0), ...){ ## ## 1. Setup: ALL.OUT, etc. ## # 1.1. message0 if(sum(nchar(message0))<1){ message0 <- deparse(substitute(object), 25)[1] } if((ns <- length(message0))>1){ warning('length(message0) = ', ns, "; message0[1:2] = ", paste(message0[1:2], collapse='; '), '; using the first non-null') message0 <- message0[nchar(message0)>0][1] } # 1.2. check .proportion if(!is.numeric(.proportion)){ stop(message0, ': .proportion is not numeric; ', ' class = ', class(.proportion)) } # 1.3. length(.proportion)>0 if(length(.proportion)<1){ stop(message0, ': length(.proportion)==0') } # 1.4. <- which( if(length(>0){ stop(message0, ': .proportion[',[1], '] = NA') } # 1.5. class(validProportion) if(!is.numeric(validProportion)){ stop(message0, ': validProportion is not numeric;', ' class = ', class(validProportion)) } # 1.6. length(validProportion) if(length(validProportion)!=2){ stop(message0, ': length(validProportion) must be 2;', ' is ', length(validProportion)) } # 1.7. oops <- which( if(length(oops)>0){ stop(message0, ':[', oops[1], '])') } # 1.8. Rows to keep In <- ((validProportion[1] <= .proportion) & (.proportion <= validProportion[2]) ) # 1.9. if none, return a no op if(!any(In)){ return(list(fun='return', value=NULL)) } ## ## 2. find pairs ## Names <- checkNames(object, avoid=pairs[c(1, 4, 2, 5)]) Chgd <- rep(FALSE, length(Names)) names(Chgd) <- Names # suf1 <- grep(pairs[1], Names, value=TRUE) suf2 <- grep(pairs[2], Names, value=TRUE) len.suf1 <- rep(NA, length(suf1)) len.suf2 <- rep(NA, length(suf2)) names(len.suf1) <- Names[suf1] names(len.suf2) <- Names[suf2] ## ## 3. Convert identified names to common names ## suf1. <- sub(pairs[1], pairs[3], suf1) suf2. <- sub(pairs[2], pairs[3], suf2) suf. <- unique(c(suf1., suf2.)) len.suf <- rep(NA, length(suf.)) names(len.suf) <- suf. ## ## 4. Envir[[..]] <- eval(object) ## Envir <- envir # interpObj <- object nel <- length(object) Envir$.proportion <- .proportion # ne <- length(Envir) for(j in seq(length=nel)){ # eval(interpObj[[j]]) # Is this a symbol to which to assign? # *** I don't understand this line # and don't have time to figure it out now # it generates length > 1 error # if((j==2) && (as.character(object[[1]])=='<-')){ # Fix like this for now: if((j==2) && all(as.character(object[[1]])=='<-')){ Envir[[Names[j]]] <- object[[j]] next } Nj <- eval(object[[j]], Envir) if(is.null(Nj)){ oj <- object[[j]] ojc <- deparse(oj, width.cutoff=25) stop('NULL returned from eval(', Names[j], ' = ', ojc, ', ...)') } if(length(Nj)<1){ oj <- object[[j]] ojc <- deparse(oj, width.cutoff=25) stop('eval(', Names[j], ' = ', ojc, ')\n', ' returned ', class(Nj), "(0)") } Envir[[Names[j]]] <- Nj # Is this a pair name? s1 <- which(suf1 == Names[j]) s2 <- which(suf2 == Names[j]) k1 <- length(s1) k2 <- length(s2) k12 <- k1+k2 # k12 = 0 or 1; can't be 2 if(k12>0){ if(k1>0){ len.suf1[s1] <- NROW(Nj) # suf1[s1]; look for match in suf2 j2 <- which(suf2. == suf1.[s1]) if(length(j2)>0){ if(suf2[j2] %in% Names[1:j]){ # Both suf1[s1] and suf2[j2] have been eval'ed # Add the interpolation # N12 <- (interpObj[[suf1[s1]]]*() # + interpObj[[suf2[j2]]]*proportion ) argNms <- c(suf1[s1], suf2[j2], message0) N12 <- interpChar(Envir[c(suf1[s1], suf2[j2])], .proportion=.proportion, argnames=argNms) Envir[[suf2.[j2]]] <- N12 len.suf[suf2.[j2]] <- NROW(N12) } # match found but not processed yet next } else { # match not found: # if(is.numeric(interpObj[[j]])){ # If numeric, store interpObj[[j]] as the match # with a warning argNms <- c(Names[j], '.proportion', message0) N1 <- interpChar(x=Envir[[Names[j]]], .proportion=.proportion, argnames=argNms) Envir[[suf1.[s1]]] <- N1 len.suf[suf1.[s1]] <- NROW(N1) } } else { len.suf2[s2] <- NROW(Nj) # k2=1, because k1=0 # suf2[s2]; look for match in suf1 j1 <- which(suf1. == suf2.[s2]) if(length(j1)>0){ if(suf1[j1] %in% Names[1:j]){ # Both suf1[s1] and suf2[j2] have been eval'ed # Add the interpolation # N21 <- (interpObj[[suf1[j1]]]*(1-proportion) # + interpObj[[suf2[s2]]]*proportion ) argNms <- c(suf1[j1], suf2[s2], message0) N21 <- interpChar(Envir[c(suf1[j1], suf2[s2])], .proportion=.proportion, argnames=argNms) Envir[[suf1.[j1]]] <- N21 len.suf[suf1.[j1]] <- NROW(N21) } # match found but not processed yet next } else { # match not found; store interpObj[[j]] as the match argNms <- c(Names[j], '.proportion', message0) N2 <- interpChar(Nj, .proportion=.proportion, argnames=argNms) Envir[[suf2.[s2]]] <- N2 len.suf[suf2.[s2]] <-NROW(N2) next } } } } ## ## 5. Other vectors or data.frames ## with the same number of rows? ## Drop <- (Names %in% c(suf1, suf2)) Keep. <- c(Names[!Drop], suf.) interpOut <- Envir[Keep.] if(length(interpOut)>0){ objLen <- sapply(interpOut, NROW) } else objLen <- integer(0) # nSuf <- length(suf.) if(nSuf>0){ ln <- max(objLen[suf.]) } else ln <- (-Inf) # lp <- length(.proportion) lp <- length(In) if(lp < ln) { # .proportion <- rep(.proportion, length=ln) In <- rep(In, length=ln) N <- ln } else { N <- lp if((lp>ln) && (ln>1)){ msg <- paste0('length(.proportion) = ', lp, ' > max length(pairs) = ', ln, ';\n pairs found for ', paste(suf., collapse=', ')) warning(msg) } } # Cols to trim? cols2trim <- ((objLen==N) & (N>1)) # trim for(s. in names(interpOut)[cols2trim]){ # Retain only "In" in s. S. <- interpOut[[s.]] sub. <- any(is.language(S.) | is.function(S.)) if(sub.)next # ndim <- length(dim(S.)) if(ndim<2){ Subset <- ((!is.null(S.)) && !is.function(S.)) if(Subset){ S. <- S.[In] } } else { sub2 <- ( || (is.matrix(S.))) if(sub2){ S. <- S.[In,, drop=FALSE] } } interpOut[[s.]] <- S. Chgd[s.] <- TRUE } ## ## 6. Restore object[!Chgd] ## Nam3 <- names(Chgd) Nout <- (Nam3 %in% names(interpOut)) noChg <- (Nout & !Chgd) noC <- Nam3[noChg] for(nc in noC){ # in case is.null(names(object)) nc. <- which(Names==nc) interpOut[[nc]] <- object[[nc.]] } interpOut }